In 2018, the share of foreign software procured by industrial companies made 80%, said in the opening address Vladimir Gutenev, deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee for economic policy, industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship. In fact, the last year’s value has dropped by 4% against the previous year. Same situation is seen in shipbuilding, too.In 2015, the Russian ministry of industry and trade decreed to reduce the share of foreign software used by some shipbuilding entities from 90-100% to 10-20% by 2020.
"We do realize that such requirements will not be met [in time – editor’s remark]", the official commented.
According to Alexey Rakhmanov, president of United Shipbuilding Corporation who also attended the meeting, substitution of imported software cannot be successful unless Russian IT companies come together to form a sort of an alliance. Russian software must keep pace with the world’s leading projects, emphasized Rakhmanov.
IT directors of United Shipbuilding Corporation and Krylov State Research Center, representatives of software designers and product operators addressed at the meeting as well.
Dmitry Zhavoronkov
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