Lamantin will displace 80 or 90 thousand tons, the bureau’s official answered Mil.Press Today, refusing to disclose any further details.On the first day of the Army-2019 forum, representatives of Krylov State Research Center told Mil.Press Today their designers would present the completed line of the aircraft carrier conceptual projects to the Russian defense ministry in the nearest time.
As was reported earlier in June, the Russian Navy started drafting technical development plan for the future nuke flattop.
In April 2018, the then navy deputy commander for armaments Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk told Mil.Press Today that the Russian Navy needed carriers displacing about 70,000 tons.
Another first-timer presented by Nevskoe Design Bureau will be the large-size landing ship named Cayman. Further, the bureau’s booth at the USC pavilion will demonstrate the already known export version of Project 11711E landing ship.
The Ninth International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS-2019) will be held in July 10-14 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. In the first three days, from July 10 to July 14, the exhibition is open for experts and international guests; in July 13-14 it welcomes wide public.
Mil.Press publishes news, overviews of the novelties and business events of the show in the thematic section IMDS.
Dmitry Zhavoronkov
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