Retivy was keel-laid at Severnaya Verf on February 20, 2015, it is the seventh corvette built under Project 20380 for the Russian Navy. Earlier, the name of Retivy was borne by a Project 1135 patrol ship decommissioned in 1995.
The corvette’s design is based on the low radar signature technologies. The composite materials and alloys for these ships were developed by Prometei Research Institute (St. Petersburg), and the superstructure was built by Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard.
In March 2018, the shipyard completed loading of engines and reduction gears into the ship’s bow engine room. At that time, it was planned to launch the corvette in the second quarter of 2019, and hand over to the navy in 2020. However, Retivy ultimately took the sea only in March 2020.
For reference
Project 20380 corvettes are over 100 meters long and displace 2,220 tons. Operational range is up to 4,000 nautical miles. Weaponry includes Uran antiship missile system, Redut air defense system, torpedoes, powerful set of radar and electronic equipment, 100-mm gun mount AK-190, heavy machineguns and grenade launchers.
Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Evgeny Lurie
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