The seats are being tested now. Designers expect that the first set of seats will be assigned Class O1 this autumn. The set will be mounded in a submarine, which name is not disclosed yet.
Other sets, according to the designers, are to get Class O1 early in 2020.
Earlier on, Mil.Press Today reported that a Russian company named Kompan Marine Seats (KMS) had offered its shock-absorbing seats for assault boats BK-10 and BK-16.
An informed insider said the boats equipped with KMS seats took part in the Syrian campaign and showed good results.
The Ninth International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS-2019) will be held in July 10-14 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. In the first three days, from July 10 to July 14, the exhibition is open for experts and international guests; in July 13-14 it welcomes wide public.
Mil.Press publishes news, overviews of the novelties and business events of the show in the thematic section IMDS.
Valery Butymov
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