Laying keels of Project 636.3 submarines Magadan and Ufa at Admiralteyskie Verfi
Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Mil.Press Today
Shipbuilders planted the name plate of Magadan at 16:33, and that of Ufa at 16:36 (Moscow time).
During his solemn speech, CEO of Admiralteyskie Verfi Alexander Buzakov said that the shipyard was successfully fulfilling the contract on submarines construction for Pacific Fleet. He assured that the whole series would be built and delivered in due time and at proper quality level.
According to the shipyard’s director, Magadan is planned to take sea in December 2020. Launching of Ufa is scheduled in 2021, he added.
Nikolai Yevmenov, Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief underscored that Project 636.3 diesel subs had proved reliability and confirmed their characteristics in combat conditions.Although all submarines of Project 636.3 have same design, their equipment is different, added the admiral. Configuration of each sub depends on specific nature of deployment areas.
For reference
Project 636.3 submarines are developed by Rubin Central Design Bureau to counter enemy’s submarines and surface ships; defend naval bases, sea and littoral lanes.
Length of the sub is 73 meters, beam is 10 meters, surface displacement is 2,350 tons. Operating depth is 240 meters (limit depth is 300 meters). Submerged speed is 20 knots, endurance is 45 days, operating range is 7,500 nautical miles. Crew is 52 men. Armament consists of six 533-mm torpedo tubes, depth charges, and Caliber attack missile system.
Dmitry Zhavoronkov, Valery Butymov
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