Concept project of the corvette-class multipurpose ship was developed by the KSRC’s surface combat ships advanced engineering department. It combines mighty attack weapons (24 Caliber vertical launch systems) and excellent navigability, helping to operate the corvette in the ocean zone. To compare, Project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov-class frigates carry only 16 Caliber cruise missiles.
As envisioned by the corvette designers, the ships must be produced in a large series using assembly modules. The latter will speed up production process.
An insider in the Almaz Design Bureau said the KSRC concept could not compete with the bureau’s projects: "Naval science develops independently; the scientists’ know-hows are used when the real ships are on the slipways. For example, hydrodynamics. The hull shape calculations are normally adjusted even after trials in the KSRC basins". The interviewee was skeptic about implementation of the concept.Valentin Belonenko, director of the KSRC’s surface combat ships advanced engineering department and the corvette project designer said the Russian naval mariners had familiarized with the ship’s concept. Also, he shared that some technical solutions emerged in the project had been already used in designing of one of the Russian Navy’s most recent ships.
For reference
The advanced corvette displaces 2,000-2,500 tons. The ship’s air defense is ensured by 16 long-range and 32 short-range SAMs. In addition, it is armed with an automatic gum mount and 30-mm six/twelve-barreled rapid-fire antiaircraft systems. As of antisubmarine and anti-torpedo weapons, the corvette has two 324-mm 4-sectioned torpedo tubes Paket-NK. Attack arms are represented by 24 cruise missiles Caliber. Designers say this number can be increased, if needed.
Dmitry Zhavoronkov
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