"The work on the advanced long-range frigates, including 22350M, is underway. It doesn’t stop, it goes on all the time in line with the Navy’s shipbuilding plan. United Shipbuilding Corporation will definitely accomplish the tasks set by the Supreme Commander and the defense minister", Chirkov assured.As for him, commissioning of the first serially made Project 22350 frigate Admiral Kasatonov indicates that the shipbuilders are successfully complying with Putin’s instruction to form the naval groups. "Also, by reaching the mass production stage, we implement the first phase of the shipbuilding program. Project 22350 frigates are unique ships capable to destroy naval groups of a potential enemy in distant sea and ocean zones", the admiral added.
Chirkov believes that Russian shipbuilding industry is quite capable to make large ocean-going vessels, and design bureaus have developed and continue assisting construction of the new fourth generation ships.
Speaking on the future for Project 22350 frigates, the navy’s ex-commander announced extension of the series. "The frigates of this class have proven their capabilities, example, the round-the-globe voyage of the lead ship, Admiral Gorshkov. They can complete any missions assigned. Today, the navy needs at least 18 of such ships", summed up Chirkov.
In his turn, Igor Orlov noted that further Project 22350 ships would be built with improved characteristics.
"With our current keel-laying intervals, it’s impossible to build same ships repeating what was designed a decade ago", CEO of Severnaya Verf shipyard said. "So, every next pair of ships we lay down, I mean those laid in 2019 and in 2020, adsorbs all innovations. This process will go on". The series of the advanced Project 22350M frigates will imbibe all of those know-hows and in the foreseeable future become one of the key objectives for Severnaya Verf, added the shipyard’s director.In April 2020, analysts of Mil.Press found out that the works on the Project 22350M frigates were going on. The information spread by some media sources that the ship development plans were abolished, contradicts the reality.
Project 22350M frigate was unveiled in December 2014 by Admiral Viktor Chirkov, then heading the Russian Navy. According to him, the Navy planned to purchase at least 15 frigates of basic and modified versions.
In July 2018, upon commissioning of the Project 22350 lead frigate Admiral Gorshkov, the then deputy navy commander Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk announced the design works on Project 22350M frigates by Severnoye Design Bureau.
The latter officially kicked off conceptual designing of a 'Super Gorshkov' frigate on December 25, 2018 upon signing of a corresponding contract. The certain front-end developments were performed earlier, too, both under the Navy’s assignments and by own initiative.
Late in November 2019, an informed industry insider told Mil.Press that the designers of Severnoye bureau had finished conceptual design of the Project 22350M frigate, and construction of the lead ship of the new series would presumably take 4 or 5 years.
For reference
Project 22350M frigates will displace about 8,000 tons and carry 48 Caliber cruise missiles. Their weaponry will include Zircon hypersonic missiles as well. The powerplant will be entirely Russian-made.
Dmitry Zhavoronkov
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